Julia – Pearl Jewellery https://www.julleen.com Julleen Pearl Jewellery Designs Wed, 05 Feb 2025 05:37:20 +0000 en-AU hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=4.7.29 https://www.julleen.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/01/cropped-favicon-1-32x32.png Julia – Pearl Jewellery https://www.julleen.com 32 32 Pearl Jewellery Sets https://www.julleen.com/pearl-jewellery-sets/ https://www.julleen.com/pearl-jewellery-sets/#respond Mon, 10 Nov 2014 02:13:48 +0000 http://www.julleen.com/?p=6147 Save around 40% when you purchase a Pearl Jewellery Set, almost like getting one item FREE.


To join in on the blog go to http://www.pearlsjewelleryonline.com.au/

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The New Blog https://www.julleen.com/the-new-blog/ Mon, 26 Aug 2013 00:38:58 +0000 http://www.julleen.com/?p=5987 Doris-Day-with-Pearls-big-laughRead more of Julia’s Blog for Julleen Pearl Jewellery – http://www.pearl-jewellery.com.au


Successful Wedding Day Red Theme https://www.julleen.com/red/ Sat, 02 Mar 2013 23:07:28 +0000 http://www.julleen.com/?p=5416 A beautiful wedding theme is red. The universal colour for love.  However, as red is also a hot colour, we decided to stick to cool light pearl jewellery pieces because this wedding took place in the heat of Summer. Red roses for bouquets and in the bridemaids’ hair meant that the jewellery for them also had to remain simple. We think the result was fantastic.


red them wedding

Gardenia White Cuff BR008lovely















This Bride’s necklace was made using white pearls and red facetted carnelian gemstones. The Cranberry Lace Set pictured below is made from AA facetted red garnets and lustrous white pearls and all set, with sterling silver.


http://mybridaljewellery.com/showcase/sets/cranberry-lace-vo027-06-set/Cranberry Lace Set VO027.06.SET





Successful Wedding Day Lavender Theme https://www.julleen.com/successful-wedding-day-lavender-theme/ Sat, 02 Mar 2013 22:26:57 +0000 http://www.julleen.com/?p=5404 Here’s some pretty tones for a wedding, lavender, mulberry and lemon. Loving those adorable parasols for the bridesmaids. The wedding was held in Bali and so remaining cool and light was the key to this successful day. Frangipani posies and fresh purple orchids were worn in the bridesmaids’ hair, with fine Julleen Pearl Jewelley Designs, necklace with pale amethysts and 4 row lavender pearls bracelets. The Maid of Honor wore a gorgeous Mulberry dress and so the jewellery made for her was all set in black/ mulberry toned pearls. The outcome was stunningly elegant and a pretty spectacular look, was created!

Mauve theme bridesmaids
Mauve theme bridesmaids
Lavender Pearl Suite
Lavender Pearl Suite
Black Pearl Cuff
Black Pearl Cuff
Black Pearl and Amethyst
Amethysts with Black Pearl











The Black Pearl necklace is not a regular stock item. Orders only for this please. Simply go ahead and purchase the lavender and use the word BLACK PEARL when finalizing your bill at check out. Thank you.






Successful Wedding Day Purple Theme https://www.julleen.com/successful-wedding-day-purple-theme/ Sat, 02 Mar 2013 22:13:18 +0000 http://www.julleen.com/?p=5383 We have done some lovely accessories for brides and their bridesmaids. Here are some examples of the outfits and the bridal jewellery worn for these events.


Bridal Pearl Earrings
Bridal Pearl Earrings




White Bridal Necklace
White Bridal Necklace






New Daily Blog https://www.julleen.com/new-daily-blog/ Wed, 30 Jan 2013 02:42:54 +0000 http://mybridaljewellery.com/?p=4175 Julleen BlogInformative and newsy this Blog beats all other blogs about pearl jewellery. Newly revamped this year, 2013 this is is a daily Blog by Julia Ray for Julleen Pearl Jewellery Designs, Perth. Come join in and enjoy the wealth of experience Julia has to offer from working with jewellery for many years (photography by I shoot PPL  Studios – Las Vegas)









Pearl Jewellery Videos https://www.julleen.com/pearl-jewellery-videos/ Wed, 26 Sep 2012 23:18:50 +0000 http://mybridaljewellery.com/?p=3829 Clip On Pearl Earrings

Pearl Jewellery by Julleen

Pearl Earrrings with Sterling Silver

Kelly Cocktail Bracelet by Julleen

Straightening a Pearl Bracelet

Long Dangling Earrings with Clips

Pink Gemstone Necklace

Ms Monroe Pink Gemstone Necklace

Julleen Bridal

Droopy Ear Lobes our Secret

Pearl Drop Earrings

Pearl Earrings by Julleen

Pearl Earrings Bridal

Unique Pearl Jewellery

10 Brand New Earring Designs In Time For Xmas https://www.julleen.com/new-earrings-for-xmas/ Wed, 23 Nov 2011 01:03:36 +0000 http://mybridaljewellery.com/?p=3595 Looking for a beautiful gift for someone special? Maybe a spouse, valentine or friend getting married next year?

Bridal Earring Pearl DangleWedding Pearl Earrrings

newest release in this short video our pretty model reveals how beautiful the pieces look when actually worn.


Just consider, with Christmas around the corner now is the perfect time to shop on-line. Don’t waste time doing battle with the maddening shopping centre crowds.

View the New Range | More Videos

Let me know what you think in the comments below or “LIKE” the videos on YouTube. I’m always happy to consider design suggestions too.

[julia] ]]>
Great Success at the Wedding Open Day at Novotel Perth Langley https://www.julleen.com/great-success-at-the-wedding-open-day-at-novotel-perth-langley/ Sun, 15 May 2011 09:06:19 +0000 http://mybridaljewellery.com/?p=3395 Julleen Bridal jewellery was the the chosen and only jewellery supplier at the inaugural Wedding Open Day, at the Novotel Perth Langley this weekend. We can tell you it was a spectacular success for the organizers and we met some really happy brides with their future grooms and enjoyed every minute of it. We had a great position at the entrance to the magnificent ballroom which was so beautifully decorated and were treated with professionalism and great hospitality by the food and beverage manager and his staff. Tania and I had a great time mixing with other top wedding suppliers and look forward to participating again soon at the next one in February 2012.


Julleen Bridal Novotel

The Dusk Bridal Fair. The fashion stage and the winner of the bridal jewellery. https://www.julleen.com/the-dusk-bridal-fair-the-fashion-stage-and-the-winner-of-the-bridal-jewellery/ Wed, 30 Mar 2011 09:15:14 +0000 http://mybridaljewellery.com/?p=3370 The Dusk Bridal Fair was a great success and we want to congratulate Jasmine from Greenwood on her win. This beautiful aquamarine and pearl necklace by Julleen Bridal Jewellery was made especially for the My Bridal Jewellery launch at the Dusk Bridal Fair held recently in Perth. A spectacular poster of our model Courteney in the looped pearl photo took up the entire back drop. Here you see the four Julleen models in black dresses, sunglasses and gloves all wearing a  gorgeous collection of Julleen Bridal Jewellery in pearls, gemstones and sterling silver, made for the event. The opening scene brought the house down as the reveal curtain parted to show statue like models and the ballerina bringing them all to life with a wave of a hand. A stunning opening to the parades. Courteney our Julleen model, drew the winning entry whilst modelling the winning jewellery for all the audience to see one final time.

Julleen Bridal Fashion Stage 1 Julleen Bridal fashion Stage 2

winner Julleen Bridal Jeweller jewellery bridal win
